“If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, "He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.” ― Epictetus

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 This has been a really strange week.

Last Thursday what felt like a severe flu hit me. My housemate had been showing the same symptoms so I figured I caught from him.

I felt like shit until Sunday, when the congestion showed signs of decreasing and I thought it would be over soon. But that same day I noticed my left hand was weak. I have sympathetic tremors but this was different. I texted the VA neurologist and carried on.

Monday morning I took my housemate’s son to school and went by his office to do some filing and data entry. I felt odd, brain fog, eyes wouldn’t focus just right, and my hand was still wonky. The neurologist called and said that maybe I should go to the ER to see what was going on.

So I left his office and headed to the VA ER. While I was talking to the intake nurse about my hand, another nurse came by and said she wanted to give me a Covid test just in case I had to be admitted for any reason.

I was put into a room in the ER and several neurologists and therapists came by to see what they could figure out. Finally a doctor came in and asked if anyone had told me I was positive for Covid. 

So I was admitted, waiting in ER for 11 hours while they prepped a room, and was discharged Tuesday after they were sure I was on the mend. It turns out my hand issue was from Covid-induced swelling. 

So now as soon as possible I have to smear my arms and forehead with chemotherapy cream to combat precancerous spots that come from years of sun exposure. 

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Humans have a very difficult time accepting and dealing with our individual and collective insignificance to the universe.